In years passed it was mistakenly believed that spinal joints could "pop out of place" and that they would then apply pressure to spinal nerves which could cause a large variety of disease and dysfunction in the human body. 

Modern technology has helped us to understand that spinal joints do not actually move out of their place; however, if the joints of the spine are injured they can become stiff and lose their ability to move. This may create tissue irritation, pain, muscle spasm, muscle rigidity, and even altered nerve function in some cases. A chiropractor is trained to locate these areas of dysfunction in the spine and extremities and restore proper motion to the involved areas.


What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine which focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the joints, ligaments muscles and nerves. Today, science based chiropractors are primary spine care physicians that work as part of your healthcare team. Chiropractic physicians are best known for their expertise in treating neck and back pain, however, chiropractic care involves all aspects of health, including exercise, nutrition, healthy lifestyle choices, and stress management. 

Chiropractic Adjustments

An "adjustment", also known as "spinal manipulation", is a term for a short impulse that is applied to a dysfunctional joint. This quick impulse is designed to relax musculature, remove inflammation, reduce pain, and restore motion to a joint that is not moving properly.

In addition to spinal manipulation, your chiropractic physician will transition you to active treatment involving your direct participation. These active treatments include exercise, dietary modification, nutritional guidance, smoking cessation, weight management, and other health programs or self-treatment measures. These active treatment programs are designed to give you the tools you need to maintain you current condition and prevent future injuries.